Template in C++

Template in C++

Once upon a coding adventure, there was a diligent programmer named Alex. Alex had a magical tool in his C++ toolbox known as "templates." This enchanting concept allowed Alex to weave spells of code that danced seamlessly with different data types.

Before harnessing the power of templates, Alex toiled over two distinct spells: one for integers and another for doubles. Each spell, represented by the functions 'swapIntegers' and 'swapDoubles' , was meticulously crafted to perform the act of value exchange.

One day, faced with the daunting task of handling various types of data, Alex decided to summon the power of templates. Instead of crafting separate spells for each data type, templates allowed Alex to create a versatile spell that could adapt to the needs of different magical creatures—whether they were integers, floating-point numbers, or even custom data structures.

With the newfound magic of templates, Alex seamlessly weaved a universal spell (swapValues) that could gracefully handle the exchange of values, transcending the need for separate incantations and showcasing the elegance of generic coding in the enchanted world of C++.

Through the application of templates, Alex not only streamlined the enchanted codebase but also embraced the philosophy of code elegance and efficiency. The saga of swapping values transformed into a testament to the wisdom of generic coding, leaving behind a legacy of reusable and versatile spells in the vast and ever-evolving world of C++.